Restore Our Freedom.Org
Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Millennial’s, Non-Voters, Liberals,
Democrats, Independents, and Concerned Citizens
Our freedom is at great risk! What will you do without Freedom?
We have been used as pawns. The schemers of predator class only care for our votes in their lust for power.This website is your reliable reference to understanding the events you are witnessing.
Checkout the #Walkaway Campaign and the Blexit Movement
Have you noticed or got disgusted with all of the political chaos and unsettling events seen daily in the news? Does it concern you after witnessing the deep divisions in our country today? Where is this coming from? We cannot have unity until the perpetrators are called out, unmasked and examined for who they truly are. Their true substance is hidden and their agenda is moving rapidly “by all means and at all costs.”
The three camp theory! Camp A, Camp B, or Camp C. Where are you?
After 12 years of fervent investigation into the “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy”, there is clear and compelling evidence of an actual conspiracy, not the one described by Mrs. Clinton, but an actual vast and sinister “One World Conspiracy” which Mrs. Clinton has intimate knowledge of, and is active and complicit in. These conspirators are the masters of deceit and will be unmasked here.
After watching this prophetic speech, ask yourself who is this “enemy” Mr Reagan speaks of?
This website lays out compelling and irrefutable evidence that our Republic is in grave danger.
Our freedom and way of life is under attack and our future is at stake. This requires the concerned and willing to take action and get informed and involved.
The following is an introductory and entry-level “MUST UNDERSTAND” pieces of the “puzzle” we are presenting here. The information presented here will seem as outrageous claims and even impossible to be true. The same disbelief was to all of us until we set aside indifference and honestly looked into it with an open mind. It is essential to grasp the magnitude of the efforts to destroy our freedom and usher in a one-world dictatorship. Hold it as if “it were possible” in order to have the common sense mind set to have the big picture emerge from all the individual puzzle pieces.
Collectivism versus Individualism ====>
Adam Weishaupt
Albert Pike
Colonel Edward Mandell House
Council on Foreign Relations
Takeover of:
All media outlets
Central Banks
Womens Movement
Environmental Movement
Phony humanitarian front groups
Antonio Gramsci
Cloward and Piven Strategy
Saul Alinsky
Frank Marshall Davis
Alice Palmer
Bill Ayers/Bernadette Dorn
Agenda 21/Agenda 2030
This is Trevor Loudon explaining the current situation we find ourselves in. Our freedom is at risk! Dire!